a daughter of a Holocaust survivor paints the story.

image increases
in size when
  Heaps of Shoes
48" X 36"

We were ordered to remove all our clothes and shoes. It was winter and I remember standing in the snow without shoes. After a long time I felt no pain.

Gold teeth were yanked out. Heaps and heaps of shoes, clothes, hair.

Mixed media on wood including: Photo facsimiles from the United State Holocaust Memorial Museum, Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.

Shoes formerly belonging to Mina Cohen, Elana, and Yael Berenson and puzzle pieces of children's body parts.


- Mina Cohen



The artist removes any abstraction about the Holocaust from the viewer's mind. There is no room for denial.
Chestnut Hill Local, March 4, 1999

© Mina Cohen 1993-2000
P.O. 269,
Mendocino, CA95460